Free weekly horoscope from Astrological Happenings ~ with a free monthly spiritual Astro Tarotscope

November 30, 2009

Astrological Happenings Horoscope, December 2009

Uranus, the 'Awakener' finally stations on December 1st, and prepares to turn forward and continue on his courageous journey! During the past few months of his REtrograde, he encouraged us to temporarily internalize our aspirations and dreams - so that we could follow our own dreams and find our own uniqueness again. This process was to help 're-awaken' our individual spirit and to reconnect with our original purpose - rather than blending in and following the crowd. As Uranus held his reins tightly on us for the past few months, we may have experienced more solitude or loneliness (depending on your perspective). The main goal was to help us to re-think and re-shape our mission and individual calling. We needed to learn about our own resistance to change, and to REdiscover our own individuality. Uranus was also busy doing the backstroke through mystical Pisces, and we may have received our own messages of insight regarding compassion and the power of forgiveness, so that we could do our own changing and let go of past. These vibrations of course helped to promote self-healing as well as humanity for others, and for the world. This 'waiting game' is an opportunity to detach ourselves from our emotions, with an option to REevaluate our intentions, like 'be careful of what we wish for'. So whatever has been 'on hold' in our life since July, there was a reason, and it was our chance to re-invent ourselves. To be the change that we want to see the in the world.

Today we will feel the reins unleashed us again, allowing us to carry on with our lives again, but with a new force of motivation! We have a new vision in mind of what we can change in our life now, but we must follow our own beam of light to make it happen. So in the near future, expect to see some big changes in ourselves, our relationship with others, and in the world! I should add that Uranus is the rebel who shocks the world for a bigger and better cause... so be prepared for a few big surprises in the coming weeks ahead!

In the Tarot, Uranus is represented in the message of The Fool. In this image, a new chapter is ready to unfold in the life of the Fool. Walking along without a care in the world, the Fool may be considered 'quite foolish' or 'brilliant' as he strays from the safety of his space on the hillside - to walk off the cliff and wander into the 'unknown'. It is surprising, shocking, and definitely life-changing. No one expected that he would be so spontaneous and just 'do it'. And sure, the Fool could completely louse up the whole thing without thinking of the consequences - or he could be a genius who wasn't afraid to take a risk, and then surprisingly lands on his own two feet! Just expect the unexpected! If you are interested the Tarot, I write a monthly Tarotscope, pulling one card per each sign. Check out my Tarotscope Happenings here!

Our desires and needs shift from the darker world of Scorpio, and come out into the open, as Venus enters expansive Sagittarius December 1. There are no games with truthful Sag. Love is spread in big way, because it makes us feel good - and because we can! In Sagittarius, we aim to give big and generously, as we know how much we actually get back from it! Sagittarius is the traveler, so many of us will add traveling to our plans to spread the cheer. Sag also represents our belief system, religion, and philosophy and we may feel the need to reconnect with others (or ourselves) in a grand way. Venus (Relationships and Money) has great potential when she meets up with the abundant world of Sagittarius, so we could see our partnerships and finances take a BIG turn for the better. Unfortunately, Sag is also a risk-taker and can be known to be quite irresponsible and frivolous with the funds, so enjoy the blessings - but try not to take it for granted! Have fun, but invest wisely!

Communications and friendship come out strong for us during the Full Moon in Gemini on December 2. The Full Moon shines brightly and lights up the darker areas in our life - rejuvenating negativity into positive light, love, and truth. Allow this moon to see life and others as they are - rather than how you hoped it would be. Communications also become more reserved as Mercury enters serious Capricorn on December 5. Our thoughts become more focused about family, money, and tradition. We are leaving the 'tall tales' of Sagittarius behind, to concentrate on how we can structure our ideas and profit from them too. During this holiday time of sharing, we could begin to put a tighter hold on our wallets (Cappy can be pretty stingy), while communicating the real message behind love and the 'gift of giving'. On December 9, my website: is celebrating our eighth year on the internet! whoohooo!

A new emotional cycle begins with a New Moon in philosopher Sagittarius, December 16. We have the potential to take ourselves to a much higher place during the next few weeks if we work with the vibrations, while investing genuine thought AND action into our goal. Our passion and actions come to a screeching halt as Mars stations and turns retrograde in big-hearted Leo on December 20, which will continue 'til March. You may have noticed your world already starting to slow down, but energy and drive will continue to slowly wither as fiery Mars reels us in, showing us how to use our energy better. Commander Mars and His Highness Leo both represent integrity and honor, and they are the ones who will be separating the great warriors from the sissies now. Our 'word' and promises are weighed heavily now. Talk is cheap, and effort will be required. Mars and Leo need to know that they can trust you. Because we are limited with energy, performing good deeds for others will diminish temporarily. This will also help to unhitch those who've been sucking up all our energy. It's every man for himself for the next few months - which can cause great disruptions in work and in relationships. Simply do your best during this time, and when the retrograde is over - you can decide on what people/projects to invest to, and which to ignore. This is a high time to put money and energy into ourselves now, to build confidence for self-worth! If you don't have much to do - you are welcome to join me and my creeps on our astrology and tarot forum, just connect with our blog AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks for the details!

On the flip-side, if Mars isn't being productive and using his enthusiasm wisely, the feistiness that sits inside of him will resemble that of an active volcano - waiting to exert all that he is holding in. While brewing all that hot passion, frustration fuels impatience and anger. Arguments, depression, an accidents may be brewing if we aren't cautious of our emotions affecting our behavior.. Again, Mars is looking to teach us how to restore our vitality and to keep the fires burning longer - rather than bigger and faster. Remember: it's quality versus quantity! Keep track of the good days versus the more challenging days with my Daily Horoscope Happenings blog!

Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year is on December 21, and we can start looking forward to adding more light to each of our coming days! whoohoo! The Sun also enters ambitious Capricorn, on December 21 and we enter the serious and valuable world of the hard-working mountain goat. Venus joins the Sun in Capricorn, December 25, and our yearnings shift from party enthusiast Sagittarius, toward more old-fashioned values represented by Capricorn. The holiday follows a more traditional style, meaning that gag gifts should be replaced with something more of value... not necessarily going out of your budget - but giving something that shows your respect and appreciation. In other areas, this is a grand time to begin focus on finances and business, as well as getting into a wellness program fueled with activity for the body and calming for the mind. Relationships become a bit more quaky at this time because Capricorn believes in loyalty and commitment, and whatever is strong and valuable - he will use to build a strong foundation with. Not everyone has these same reputable standards. Saturn demands the best when he designs, and if there is weakness in the wood or the relationship, he will find it.

Along with Mars, we also have Mercury heading retrograde this month on December 26. Mercury rules our communication and thought-processing, and while he will 'appear' to be moving backwards... the way we express ourselves now will also appear to be going in the wrong direction. If we aren't detailed and speak what we really mean - misunderstandings because of misinterpretations are likely. It's time to REmove the confusion in our words and REbuild the way we communicate with others. Agreements, contracts, and the purchase of major items should be avoided until January 15, 2010 - but if that is not possible - be sure to read the fine print and ask very detailed questions to avoid bigger problems. Mercury retrograde will also break down faulty technical devices, computers, cellphones, and appliances. Be sure to take care of these items that you may have been avoided or over-looked. It might be a good idea to ask Santa for an external back-up drive for your laptop!

We end the year with a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in motherly Cancer on December 31. We're closing emotional doors now for self-protection and to stabilize our inner circle. Answers present themselves to us now, and we become empowered. Create your own list of what you want to say goodbye to, from individuals, financial issues, grudges & resentments, procrastination, etc. Next beside each 'goodbye item' - write down what you want to add into your life (realistically!) to replace the loss. Using the power of intention and lunar strength at 2:13pm EST, read that list aloud.... meditating on your desire to transform trouble(s) into positive outcomes! Ask the Universe for what you want, and what you are willing to do to help move this along!

Be sure to bookmark my blog feed and website (upper righthand column) for my future forecasts and website updates! During the cold and winter hours, you can reach me from 10am until 10pm EST for private telephone readings and personalized email readings. Have a happy AND safe new year! May your year be filled with much love, prosperity and good health! Suzi

Card Image: The Fool ©1991 Robin Wood. Used with Permission.

©1998-2009 CD INK LLC and All rights reserved. Entertainment Only 18+

November 25, 2009

November: Whats New! at

I wanted to take the time to say thank you to my followers for your warm support, and to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! This is a beautiful season in many ways, but a very special one to show gratitude and appreciation for everything (and everyone) that we are thankful to have in our lives. It is the season of giving, so try to take a moment out of your day and give the gift of love. From a small act of kindness, a simple thank you, or even a pleasant smile can warm a cold heart, or brighten the spirit of the sad and lonely, more than you realize. :o) Saying 'thank you' and 'please' is also a nice way to kick-start the coming new year of 2010 - by practicing and adding these loving and peaceful words into our daily vocabulary.

New followers should take time out now to bookmark my blog or subscribe to my updates on the right column of this page. As a few of you may have seen, my website has down for a few days with server updates and upgrades. If you need to reach me, this is the next place to go!

Some areas that I have been busy with have finally grounded, giving me back some free time to get back to my 'other' projects that have been put on hold. I'm ready to get this season started, preparing a nice meal on Thanksgiving, to start my holiday baking, and to get my holiday lights up this weekend. My gingerbread and vanilla candles scent the air, adding light and coziness to our home.

I am thankful and appreciative for the greatest gifts in my life... my spirituality, our loving family, a wonderful and rockin' husband, an awesome son who is growing into a remarkable young man, my furry children, our good health, our jobs, warm shelter, the food on the table, and for the dear folks that I have had the pleasure to know from online, offline, and on the phone! I also want to give thanks and send prayers to our courageous and honorable servicemen and their families, who have made heavy sacrifices to protect us all and our country. Thanks be to God and the Goddess, for ALL of our daily blessings.

“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.” ~Albert Schweitzer

Happy Thanksgiving to you, and yours...


Image credit unknown.

November 09, 2009

Daily Fresh Blog Posts! Astrology, Tarot, Spirituality, Dreams, Horoscopes!

As a quick update for my readers, I mentioned before that I am involved with a nice little group of ladies - and we began an online forum - to help educate the curious, the beginners, and to have a nice friendly place to hang for the seasoned pro's. We started a blog as well, but at the time, we really were too occupied with building the concept of the forum, so the blog was on the back burner.

Eventually, we got back to the blog once the forum was running smoothly. So we each decided to each take on a particular topic (and day) to write content for the blog - promising our readers fresh mystical content every couple of days.

The following schedule (and links) are for your future enjoyment!

This is our AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks BLOG: If you haven't already, bookmark our new blog so that you don't miss your favorite feature at: AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks

Mystical Mondays: The Tarot Lady guides one lucky reader with an inspiring three card response to a burning question! If you have a question that you would like to be featured here, please email Theresa at: with 'Mystical Mondays' in the subject line. For more information about The Tarot Lady, please visit her website:

Wednesday's Waking Moments: A lucky reader is chosen for this feature to have their dream analyzed and intuitively interpreted by Kat! If you'd like to have your dream featured on this blog, contact Kat at: with 'Dream Interpretation' in the subject! For more information about Kat, please visit her website:

Thursday LuvScopes: Be in the know BEFORE the weekend begins, as AstroGrrl shares her weekend astrological forecasts with all of us! Jan will give you the weekend weather for romance and love, as well as the best days to stay inside! Get a weekly glimpse of the skies, and individual horoscopes for your zodiac sign! For more information about AstroGrrl, visit her site:

Friday Tarot Affirmations: Starcana uses the Tarot as a tool for spiritual healing, with creative visualization and positive affirmations to energize our mojo! Suzi's mission is to shift the surrounding energy through meditation, while improving our confidence, perspective, and productivity, For information about Starcana visit:

Astrological Happenings: This is my main blog for my website, for website updates and news, along with monthly astrological happenings for the month, describing some of the vibrations from heavens, and it's potential effect on us at

Tarotscope Happenings: This is my tarot blog with mystical messages and spiritual guidance from the wisdom of the tarot, providing you with a monthly tarot car reading for your zodiac sign at:

Daily Horoscope Happenings: This is where I write my daily horoscope and the cosmic news regarding planetary vibes that can affect our day. This is an ideal way to plan a better tomorrow!

Some of the social networks that I am on!

Follow me on Facebook:
Follow me on Twitter:
Follow me on LinkedIn:
Follow me on MySpace:

And when you are ready for a personalized reading: catch my private phone sessions here!

Peace and Smiles!


October 30, 2009

Astrological Happenings, Monthly Horoscope and Astrology for November 2009

Astrological Happenings, Monthly Horoscope and Astrology for November 2009! Happy November to everyone! The month starts out with Daylight Savings Time ending at 2am on November 1, so be sure to to turn your clocks back one hour! It's also the time that you need to check all of your carbon dioxide and smoke alarms in your residence, and replace old batteries with new. If you don't have these devices, be sure to put them on your list. As we are inside more during the colder months, we use a lot more electrical products, and it's better to be safe than sorry.

Intentions from last month's New Moon in balanced and fair Libra, comes into full light and full circle on November 2 as we experience a Full Moon in grounded Taurus. Energy is now secure and developed. Secrets are revealed, answers come from our subconscious and dreams. It's favorable time to put yourself 'out there' to be exposed and get noticed. It's also good timing for putting out your brainstorming ideas as well as promoting your business advertisements.

Reflective Neptune finally stations and turns direct on November 4. Our most inner sensitivities that make up who we are: faith, creativity, compassion, along with our confusions, sadness, and guilt - have been bottled up inside of us for five long months. During this soul-searching process, we have meditated and privately reviewed who we are, to figure out how to fit ourselves back into society without shame or uneasiness. Where we were drained and/or emotionally bruised, we redeveloped ourselves and are ready to approach the world once again. We've evolved and healed our creativity and originality , where blame or regret once existed. Our dreams and our inner life source has been nurtured, and we are able to be much more expressive and genuine to others, as well as to ourselves. We're ready to help and make the world a nicer place to live in!

Our desires become much more intense and private as Venus enters suspicious Scorpio November 7. There is much power-play and manipulative games as we want and crave control and power in our surroundings, and this energy will exist strongly in our relationships with others, our money, and in our work. We will find many being much more cautious and 'hush hush', obsessed with a need for privacy and seclusion from exposing too much of our inner-selves now. Venus in Scorpio strategizes on ways to separate the weak from the strong, and the loyal from the careless. A web is carefully weaved into a manipulative and sexy game, and as we make ourselves less visible in order to target the weakest link. There is much drive to get what we want, and there isn't much that will stop us.

Mercury delivers our communications, and as he exits secretive Scorpio, to enter trustworthy Sagittarius on November 15. Our thoughts and expressions open up in a BIG way, sharing our aspirations, our perspectives, and our advice. Our aim is to share honestly and teach - while putting others ahead of ourselves. If you happen to have any private information that you hope doesn't get leaked right now, it would be wise to put it into a drawer with lock and key - because this is the time that confidential information is revealed or blabbed! We may be thinking about advancing ourselves now, expanding our horizons in some way - whether through exotic travel in an adventurous expedition - or through study in college or books. we will have more of an urge to travel more, so even if it is just short trips, that may be enough to sooth our urge to 'get out' for awhile.

We have a powerful event that is building in the cosmos as Disciplinarian Saturn squares Transformer Pluto on November 15. Squares produce challenges, and urges us to try alternative paths, and with Pluto and Saturn being such slow travelers in the Universe, detours in our lives (and in the world) will gradually enter, slowly exit, so with this big shift, our world as we know it, may begin to rumble and quake over the next year. What happens, is that Pluto recognizes what has been decaying in our lives (or in the world) and he enforces a deep cleanse - removing the toxicity so that there can be growth and evolution. Saturn represents our time and investments, and what we have built in our lives. As Saturn sits in Libra (relationships, partnerships, enemies, ruling body parts: low-back, skin, and kidneys), and Pluto in Capricorn (business, possessions, career, government, education, public image, ruling body parts: knees, dental, and bones) we could see these areas being affected, personally, professionally, or globally. As this movement slowly begins to vibrate, it will force us to re-adjust ourselves and our lives, pushing us out of our comfort zone. If we feel out of control, we may allow the fear to enter, encouraging arguments, break-ups and other unprepared disruptions. Unhealthy attitudes and deteriorating walls that created distance will also begin to crumble. Change is in the air, so whatever we may have grown comfortable with, despite defects or unsatisfactory routines... the apple cart shall be tilted... disallowing us overlook or avoid our reality now. We should ask ourselves, 'what guidelines or standards have we adjusted to, that has only germinated weakness, limitation or unhappiness in our life'? For those who have been oblivious and unaware of the world around them, change could feel like a crisis, rather than a wake-up call. Wherever weak points exist in our foundation/world that we have built, we will need to dedicate special attention and genuine effort to restore the faulty, and make things right. Otherwise, we can wait for a poorly designed structure to collapse on its own.

What sort of energy would you like to stimulate and have come your way in the next 28 day cycle? On November 16 we have a powerful New Moon in influential Scorpio. It's the perfect time to put intentions out there, to draw in natural vibrations. Preplanning goals should revolve around the Scorpion agenda, focusing on intimate relationships, release for regeneration, our money, and cleaning out old debt.

Our inner jester comes alive on November 21 as Sun enters generous Sagittarius. Our spirits become alive and invigorated, releasing our playful inner child to become rejuvenated again! Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, and together we will get to see more abundance and kindness during the next four weeks, a stronger connection with our faith or religion, law, publications, travel, and yes... more good cheer! Sagittarius is the king of parties and a good time, so it's no wonder that we have this nice little time of the year when we all can get together with friends and family, spreading lots of love and gifts, with laughter, drinks, and good food. So in a small way, you get to try on a Sagittarian experience! If I sound partial, I am (I'm a Sagittarius LOL)!

We get to remind each other of what we are truly grateful for on November 26, as we give thanks and respect on this Thanksgiving day. Have yourself a good holiday, and a terrific month!

Smiles and Blessings!


Read November's Tarotscope Happenings for your sign.

Subscribe to my Daily Horoscope forecast.

Register and join the Astro Creeps and Tarot Freaks Forum.

Digital Image ©1998-2009 CD INK LLC and

All rights reserved. Entertainment Only 18+

October 19, 2009

What's New at

Hi and how are you this month? Life is peachy this way. I have been enjoying Autumn knocking at our door, with all the gifts that she brings our way! Autumn and Winter are my absolute favorite seasons! I believe if you click on my Autumn picture on the right, you can get a larger view of my latest Fall picture from our deck! 

We've got a lot of Libra energy in the air to balance our lives right now, along with Jupiter's latest shift, this is just awesome energy in-regards to changes and blessings! My favorite holiday is Halloween and it's just giving us another reason to party! Speaking of parties, I'll be busy with Halloween parties again this year, so I am going to have to hang up my zombie costume for another year. And for my fellow tarot readers out there, don't forget to step through the veil at midnight on Halloween, and give yourself an annual reading! It's another one of my favorite things to do LOL!

If you haven't been on Twitter yet, you should. It's a great little place to network and make some great contact and cool pals! This year I met a few extra special friends on there: Theresa from, Jan from, and Kat from - and we all teamed up to create a cool little forum where you can join us and participate in some astrology and tarot talk, along with topics of dreams, spirituality, and more! It's free to register. Get connected with us on our forum at AstroCreeps and

You can also check out our AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks blog. I just wrote a new feature called Tarot Affirmations on there, and it will be published every Friday! 

If you are new to my blog and website, be sure to subscribe to my blog by RSS or by email (look up on the top right column of this page) for monthly updates! You can always connect and correspond with me on some of the popular networks out there, and find me on my Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts. I also write a daily astrological forecast, to help us make sense of the energies of the day - for better planning at: Daily Horoscope Happenings!

Lots of love!